Qualification Standard
Authorising body: | Ministry of Industry and Trade |
Group of fields: | Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Production |
Occupation: | Bus and Truck Mechanic |
Validity of standard: | From 21/10/2022 |
Qualification level: | 3 |
Qualification Standard
Vocational competence | Level |
Adherence to OHS and fire protection requirements as well as health and environment protection requirements |
3 |
Knowledge and comprehension of the standards and technical documentation related to road motor vehicles |
3 |
Performance of regular maintenance of chassis systems for lorries and buses |
3 |
Knowledge and comprehension of the kinds and diagnostics of frames for lorries and buses |
3 |
Knowledge and comprehension of the principles of lorry and bus brake systems operation and their repair |
3 |
Knowledge and comprehension of the structure and repair of basic types of a wheel brake |
3 |
Knowledge and comprehension of the principles of lorry and bus steering systems operation and their repair |
3 |
Knowledge and comprehension of the construction, principle of operation and the repair of lorry and bus suspension and shock absorption systems |
3 |
Performance of diagnostics and repair of individual types of lorry and bus axles |
3 |
Following entities have contributed
The qualification standard was prepared by the Sector Council for other services. It has been established and licensed for this activity by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic (the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic).
Entities represented in the following work group have contributed:
IVECO Moravia
PAS Zábřeh
ContiTrade Services