Qualification Fields
1450 qualifications are available in the database
- Agriculture and Forestry 139
- Art and Applied Art 60
- Business 57
- Construction, Geodesy and Carthography 163
- Ecology and Environmental Protection 16
- Economics and Administration 8
- Economy 10
- Education, Teacher Training and Social Care 17
- Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication and IT 75
- Engineering Chemistry and Chemistry of Silicates 107
- Food and Food Chemistry 95
- Gastronomy, Hospitality and Tourism 42
- History 1
- Informatics 10
- Journalism, Library and Information Science 24
- Law, Legal and Public Administration 18
- Leather and Footwear Production and Processing of Plastics 53
- Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Production 137
- Mining and Mining Geology, Metallurgy 91
- Personal Care and Services 55
- Physical Education and Sport 32
- Printing and Paper Processing, Film and Photo 40
- Special and Interdisciplinary Fields 10
- Textile Production and Clothing Industry 54
- Transport and Communication 63
- Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Prevention 1
- Wood Processing and Production of Musical Instruments 72
Qualification standards for all approved vocational qualifications (listed in the NSK register) will be translated into English by 30 June 2015.