Qualification Standard

Authorising body: Ministry of Industry and Trade
Group of fields: Wood Processing and Production of Musical Instruments
Occupation: Furniture surface treatment worker
Validity of standard: From 21/10/2022
Qualification level: 3

Qualification Standard

Vocational competence Level

Knowledge and comprehension of the surface finishing of keyboard musical instruments


Diagnostics of the type of the applied surface treatment of keyboard musical instruments


Determination of a repair method for individual keyboard musical instrument components


Paint application when repairing the keyboard musical instruments


Following entities have contributed

The qualification standard was prepared by the Sector council for wood-processing and paper-making industry. It has been established and licensed for this activity by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.


Entities represented in the following work group have contributed:

Petrof, spol. s r. o. Hradec Králové

Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola hudebních nástrojů a nábytku, Hradec Králové

Český klavírnický svaz, Hradec Králové

C. Bechstein Europe s. r. o. Hradec Králové